Monday, October 17, 2011

DIY: Humanity Necklace

For those of you who are like me and found the Humanity bracelet to be...not for the wrist, well today is your lucky day. I literally spent a whole week after receiving my Humanity bracelet as part of the BOGO (buy one get one). In this case, the Humanity was FREE! Great price huh? I was initially really excited when I first got it, but then it dawned on me that it looked like I was wearing a coin on my wrist and it seemed a little bit odd. Something just doesn't seem right. Then, as I was doing some organic chemistry homework, the idea just popped into my head. Why not wear a coin as a necklace? So, below are instructions on how you can turn your Humanity bracelet into a necklace.

NOTE: I am a college student and my grammar isn't perfect because we don't use proper grammar in college. But I will do my best to explain it as clearly as I can :)

Things you will need: 
- Scissors
- Pliars
- Gold chain that are made of loops (the nice chain decorations with the little interlocking circles- that kind of chain)
- Humanity I or II braclet


Step 1: 
If you are interested in keeping the original JM clasp of the bracelet, please remove it. To do this, find the loop that connects the extender and the clasp to the actual chain. The closing gap on the jumper. Take your scissors and place it on the crease and open it up by simply "snipping" it until the gap is wide enough. Be careful not to break the jumper for you are going to reuse it. Set that aside.

Step 2:
Remove the pendant from the chain. To do this, find the jumper that connects the pendant to the bracelet chain (this should be on both sides). Find the closing gap on the jumper. Take your scissors and place it on the crease and open it by simply "snipping" it until the gap is wide enough. Be careful not to break the jumper for you are going to reuse it. Remove the chain ONLY leaving the jumper attached to the pendant. Place the bracelet chain aside. You will not be needing this.

Step 3:
Determine which chain you are going to use for the necklace. If you decide to just keep the clasp that is already on it move on to  Step 4. For those of you are are interested in using the JM clasp, remove the clasp on your necklace and then use the JM clasp and extender. Use the jumper from the JM bracelet. Close the jumper with pliers. Be careful, applying too much pressure will break the jumper.

Step 4:
Make sure you have your necklace clasp together meaning, imagine it around your neck (have it closed). Find the middle and cut the chain with your scissors. You should have the clasp of the chain as the middle and two loose ends.

Step 5:
Using the original jumpers from the bracelet, attach the pendant onto the chain and close it with pliers. Again be careful not to apply to much pressure.

Step 6: 
Put on and do the happy dance.

Please also send me some pictures of your Humanity Necklace.

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